Breaking News

Sodabi, Beninese liqueur in the conquest of New York bars [Business Africa]

Traditional Benin liqueur consumed in USA Some young Americans have fell under the charms of Sodabi, a traditional Beninese liqueur gotten from palm trees.  These young Americans have taken out the rudimentary way of producing the drink to another level ready for the New york market. In supermarkets and bars, a 37cl bottle is sold at 8,000 CFA francs against 800 francs per litre when gotten locally.  Here is more with Stephane Kungne and Michael Dibie.

Tanzania central bank suspends 5 banks

In a bid to protect the Tanzanian economy, authorities have put up measures to protect and control the stability of its banking system. 
The Bank of Tanzania (BoT) is said to have closed five non-performing banks believed to have inadequate capital, this is contrary to the Banking and Financial institutions Act of 2006 and its regulations.

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